Did You Hear ‘The Talk’ TV Talk Show Has a New Spin-Off Aimed at Prepubescent Girls?

Still funny with 'all-male' producers
removed or still just sexists?

By Robert W. Armijo

Yeah, and they are calling it, ‘The Preview’ ripping off their daytime TV talk show competitor, ‘The View’ in the process. 

The only trouble is that the all-male The Preview’ TV show’s producers are concerned it will be a little too successful at attracting the wrong element of society, as well as your run-of-the-mill perverts, sexual predators, and child molesters.

However, unlike ‘The View’, where women get kicked off or “leave” the TV show for being menopausal or too old, girls on ‘The Preview’ will only be kicked off their show when they get a pimple or become pubescent.

Vote (right sidebar, scroll down) if you think this story is sexists or just funny.

Copyright © 2016 by Robert W. Armijo. All rights reserved.

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‘The View’ or 'The Talk’, Which of the Two Daytime TV Talk Shows is the Most Racially Diverse?

Which TV talk show do you think is the most racially diverse,
'The View' Or 'The Talk'?

By Robert W. Armijo

It’s a tie, because both ‘The View’ and ‘The Talk’ have at least one token white woman in the cast at any given time. 

Vote for the TV show you think is most racially diverse in the funfakenews.com's polling section (Right sidebar, scroll down)

Copyright © 2016 by Robert W. Armijo. All rights reserved.

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Top 10 Things People Thought O.J. Simpson Whispered into Robert Shapiro’s Ear After the Verdict

Oops, Wrong Simpson. Sorry.
By Robert W. Armijo

10) Suckers.

9) Knock, Knock. Who’s there? O.J. Simpson, Bitch! 

8) If I’m innocent like they say, then why do I still feel so damn guilty? 

7) What took them so damn long, don’t they know I got a noon tee time?

6) I feel like I just got away with a double murder homicide or something like that.

5) Now that’s not guilty for both Ronald and Nicole, right?

4) Do you think I can return those gloves without a receipt?

3) I wish Nicole was here to hear this…Oh, yeah. Right. Never mind. 

2) After this, I’m going to Disneyland.

1) I just got this great idea for a book.

Vote for Your Favorite Checkout funfakenews.com’s Polling Section (Scroll Down Right Sidebar).

Copyright © 2016 by Robert W. Armijo. All rights reserved.

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Kim Kardashian's Cleavage Causes New Cuban 'Missile Crisis'; Fidel Castro Makes 3 A.M. 'Booty' Call to White House to Complain

"At my age. it’s even had an effect on me. 
I had to sit down just to make this phone call. 
If you know what I mean, Mr. President?"

By Robert W. Armijo

Upon seeing Kim Kardashian’s cleavage spill out of a skintight white dress she was wearing during her visit to Cuba, Fidel Castro immediately picked up the hotline to the White House to talk to President Obama.

A transcript of that telephone conversation is as follows:
President Barack Obama: What can I do for you, Presidente Fidel Castro?

Presidente Fidel Castro: I thought the Cold War was over between us, Mr. President.

President Barack Obama: It is, Fidel. What do you mean?

Presidente Fidel Castro: Have you seen what your girl Kim Kardashian is wearing down here?

President Obama: No. What?

Presidente Fidel Castro: A white dress that's so tight it squeezes out her maracas for everyone to see. 

President Barack Obama: Really?

Presidente Fidel Castro: Yes. Right now, as we speak, millions of Cuban men are experiencing their very own 'missile crisis'. If you know what I mean, Mr. President..

President Barack Obama: I hear you, Fidel.

Presidente Fidel Castro: At my age, it’s even had an effect on me. I had to sit down just to make this phone call. If you know what I mean, Mr. President?

"Yup. I just saw the pictures myself. I know exactly what you mean. 
And I too have had to sit down."
President Barack Obama: Yup. I know exactly what you mean. I just saw the pictures myself. And I too have had to sit down. Aw, snap! And I thought that girl only had some booty on her. Looks to me like she has got a great pair of…What do you call them down there in Cuba, Fidel?

Presidente Fidel Castro: Maracas, Mr. President..

President Barack Obama: Right, maracas. Well, Fidel. This was all very informative, but I have to ask what’s the purpose of this call? You know, because I’m very busy with the up coming election. I got to do everything in my power to stop a mad man from winning the presidency in November.

Presidente Fidel Castro: Ah, yes. Senior, Donald Trump.

President Barack Obama: Actually, I was referring to Hillary.   

Presidente Fidel Castro: Well, Mr. President. I just called to make sure Kim Kardashian’s cleavage was not some kind of secret weapon you were deploying to disable the men in my military, while you invaded Cuba. After all, most of my men are immune to big booty, but they have virtually no immunity to cleavage.  And as you know, Cuba has only survived this long this close to a superpower like America by keeping on its toes. 

President Barack Obama: True. By the way, Kim Kardahian is the bomb. But she’s not our secret weapon.  

Presidente Fidel Castro: No? Then whose secret weapon is she?

President Barack Obama: Mother Nature’s, of course.

Presidente Fidel Castro: Of course. 

After President Obama hangs up. 

President Barack Obama: Damn it! We should've cloned and weaponized her when we had the chance.

After Presidente Fidel Castro  hangs up. 

Presidente Fidel Castro: Quick take a DNA sample from Kim Kardahian so we can  clone and weaponize her, while we still have the chance. 

Copyright © 2016 by Robert W. Armijo. All rights reserved.

Photo(s) Courtesy of:

Charlie Sheen’s Secret Blood Transfusion with a Bengal Tiger in Bangladesh Tests Positive for Feline "AIDS"

Dr. Jarjar tiger's test results are positive for feline AIDS
-- Dhaka, Bangladesh

By Robert W. Armijo

Dr. Jarjar of Dhaka, Bangladesh confirmed today that the tiger that movie star and TV actor Charlie Sheen had a blood transfusion with has tested positive for the feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) or more commonly referred to as cat AIDS.

The blood transfusion had taken place at the doctor’s clinic in the People’s Republic of Bangladesh back in 2011 where human to tiger and tiger to human blood transfusions were still legal. Though they have since been outlawed, it is believe one can still buy tiger’s blood on the black market.  

In the media, Charlie Sheen often attributed his stamina to resist drug addiction due to his use of tiger blood. 

However, it is believed the tiger blood transfusion simply allowed Charlie Sheen to skip Rehab so he could continue to work without interruption. 

“Of course, the tiger was sent to Rehab instead,” said Dr. Jarjar. 

There the tiger spent a little over six months recovering from the Charlie Sheen blood transfusion. 

“I didn’t anticipate such a long recovery period,” said Dr. Jarjar. “Mr. Sheen’s blood had more chemical toxins than anyone realized.”

Last month, Dr. Jarjar began to notice the tiger had begun to lose weight.

Dr. Jarjar's tiger just before weight loss,
stripes fell off and were replaced by spots. 
Dr. Jarjar's cause for concern only heightened when one day the tiger’s stripes fell off and spots appeared where the stripes once were.

Dr. Jarjar could not account for the weight loss, stripes falling off and the sudden appearance of spots were the stripes once were until he recalled reading an article in Variety

“It could have been The Hollywood Reporter,” said Dr. Jarjar. “I’m not sure.”

In that article, Dr. Jarjar recalled reading that Charlie Sheen had admitted to having contracted HIV.

“So I became spacious,” said Dr. Jarjar, who then conducted a blood test for feline AIDS on his tiger.

“The test came back positive,” said a visibly distressed Dr. Jarjar.

Dr. Jarjar has since conducted several more tests to rule out the possibility of a false positive. 

“Sadly, they all yielded the same result as the first,” said Dr. Jarjar with a slight tremor in his voice.  

Dr. Jarjar says he currently has no plans to take legal action against Charlie Sheen.  

However, he says he is not ruling anything out in the future.

Legal experts say it will not be an easy case to make as Dr. Jarjar will have first prove that it was Charlie Sheen who gave his tiger FIV and not anyone else. 

For now, Dr. Jarjar just wants to use his tiger’s illness as an occasion to educate people and bring awareness to the plight of felines infected with FIV.

“It’s all I can do for now,” said Dr. Jarjar, as he struggled to hold back tears. 

“Oh, and don’t forget to spay or neuter your cats," continued Dr. Jarjar. "It helps reduce the spread of FIV."

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot," added Dr. Jarjar at the last moment. "And I especially wouldn't give Charlie Sheen a blood transfusion from your cat, or even it’s milk, because I hear he’s into that now. If you do, you may live to regret it. Like me."

Copyright © 2016 by Robert W. Armijo. All rights reserved.

Photo(s) Courtesy of:

Dalai Lama Shares Donald Trump End of the World Dream He Had Last Night

"The good news is we’re all coming back.
The bad news is we’re all coming back as cockroaches."
By Robert W. Armijo

In the Dalai Lama’s end of the world dream, President Donald Trump is in the Situation Room with his chief of staff, various heads of all the branches of the military are present as is a White House kitchen staff member on hand to serve coffee, donuts and finger sandwiches.

President Trump is on the hotline speakerphone with a nuclear submarine missile commander located somewhere off the coast of North Korea.

“Ready your missiles commander,” President Trump orders.

“Yes, sir,” replies the submarine missile commander. “Readying missiles now, sir.”

“Mr. President,” says President Trump’s chief of staff. “If you do that the North Korean or Chinese satellites are sure to pick up the inferred signatures of the submarine’s missiles going hot.”

“Yeah, what’s your point,” says President Trump as he reaches for a cup of coffee.

“They’ll think were getting ready to launch,” says the president’s chief of staff.

“Yeah,” replies President Trump. “And that’s exactly what I want them to think. The game is called poker. Try playing it sometime. It teaches you a few things about human nature.”

President Trump then takes sip from his cup of coffee.

“You know what?” says President Trump. 

"Yes, Mr. President," says an anxious chief of staff.

“This coffee is cold," says President Trump. "Where’s the waiter that served me this cup of crap?”

“Right here, sir,” said a young waiter as he stepped forward. “It was me. I’m sorry your coffee is cold. I’ll go to the White House kitchen and boil you a fresh pot immediately, sir.”

“That won’t be necessary," says President Trump.  "Forget about it.”

“Forget about it, sir?” the waiter replies somewhat puzzled.

“Yeah,” Repeats President Trump. “Forget about it. You know why?”
"Roger. Alpha. Tango. It’s a go-go-go.
Fire! Fire! Fire!

“No, sir,” hesitantly asks the waiter.  “Why?”

“Because you’re fired!” replies President Trump. “That’s right.  I said it. You’re fired! Fired! Fired!”

Submarine Missile Commander: “Roger. Alpha. Tango. It’s a go-go-go. Fire! Fire! Fire!”

“Huh?” says President Trump as he looks down at the speaker box located in the center of the conference table. “What?”

Submarine Missile Commander: “All birds hot and away headed for a target rich environment, sir.”

“Stop them,” Orders President Trump. “Bring them back.”

Submarine Missile Commander: “Negative. They're locked and loaded. Ready to rock-n-roll, sir.”

“Shoot them down then,” Orders President Trump.

Submarine Missile Commander: “Negative. We have no airborne assets in theater, sir.”

“Better prepare the White House Presidential Bunker,” President Trump orders.

“We can’t, sir,” replies a Secret Service agent.

“Why the hell not?” asks President Trump. His feet barley touching the ground as his Secret Service security detail rushes him off to a safe location.

"Because, sir,” replies the same Secret Service agent. “Former Vice President Dick Cheney is currently occupying it and he won’t open the door for anyone. Not even you, sir.”

“Not even for me?” rhetorically asked the President in disbelief. “Did he really say that?”

“Well, sir,” replied the Secret Service agent also talking into his sleeve while talking to the president. “His exact words were and I quote, ‘Especially, not for The Donald’.”

“That son of a…” says President Trump. “You know, I can’t hold it against him. He saw the most valuable piece of real estate on the White House grounds and he seized it. As a businessman, I can only admire and respect that.”

"Looks like we’re in for a long winter.”
“Don’t you mean a long nuclear winter, sir?”
Moments later, in a White House hallway, President Trump and his Secret Service security detail run into the same young waiter from the Situation Room. He is carrying a fresh hot pot of coffee. He holds it up in the air for the president to grab.

“Thanks kid,” says President Trump holding the fresh hot pot of coffee. “I’ll need this. Looks like we’re in for a long winter.”

“Don’t you mean a long nuclear winter, sir?” the waiter replies.

“What the?” says President Trump as he looks down and recognizes the face of the young waiter from before.  “Hey, didn’t I fire you earlier?”

“No, sir,” Politely replies the White House kitchen staff member. “In fact, you can’t fire me, ever.”

“Oh. And why is that?” asks President Trump. His voice growing fainter and fainter, as his Secret Service security detail carries him farther and farther away down the hall.
"I can laugh about it now because tragedy plus time
equals comedy. What? Too soon?"

“Because, sir!” continues to explain the young man, having to yell out so the president can hear him. “I’M A CIVIL SERVANT!”

President Trump replies but he is too far away to be understood. 

However, all of his staff agreed among themselves that it was most likely an expletive.

Copyright © 2016 by Robert W. Armijo. All rights reserved.

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