New York, New York --
Copyright © 2008-2014 by Robert W. Armijo. All Rights Reserved.
According to leaked court documents, to the surprise of her New York outpatient clinic-attending physicians, Joan Rivers briefly awoke from her surgery while under a general anesthetic, asking to see the leaked naked photos of Sports Illustrated swimsuit supermodel, Kate Upton.
“Thanks,” Rivers said to her doctors, after they showed her the nude photos posted on the Internet of Kate Upton’s boobs. “I needed a good laugh.”
Apparently, while Rivers was under all she heard was talk by her surgeons about leaked naked pictures of Kate Upton.
Rivers’ doctors quickly and profusely apologized to her once they realized she had awoken during the medical procedure.
“That’s alright,” Rivers reportedly said, as she began to yawn and drift slowly back into the deep medically induced sleep. “That’s what brought me back. I just wanted to see them for myself – the pictures, I mean -- Because if that girl hasn’t had more plastic surgery than I have had then nobody…ZZZ…ZZZ…ZZZ.”
Copyright © 2008-2014 by Robert W. Armijo. All Rights Reserved.